Monday, March 7, 2011


My big idea in the final project is environment protection. My purpose to focus on this project is that claiming the audiences to protect our environment and how to protect our environment as we only have one world and we are all part of this world.  My project divides into 2 parts. One part of images shows s how our environment destroyed around us now and continuing to be and it is really necessary to protect it from now, another part of images shows how to protect the world step by step. I am going to use different pictures gathered from the pictures I had taken before to show a continuous animation.

The first influce that drives me to talk about this big idea is the recycling organization at OSU. When I first day come to OSU on oriendation, I waled through oval of OSU, and some people are introducing their organization and pass the handouts to me. The organization named “recycling” interests me and impress me because I think what they do is a long-term beneficial and rewarding activity. So I go to website to search for their official website and the detailed information of what they did. This organization so impressed me that when it reminds me  of thinking about this big idea “environment” .Their offical website is listed below.

In addition, it is interesting to find that there are some other environmental protections in our modern society .For example, there is certain way to protect environment even in terms of fashion. H&M’s head of design, Ann-Sofie Johansson confirmed that the brand is not limiting itself to organic cotton. The fashion brand has included organic linen, recycled polyester and Tencel among the materials used in its new eco-friendly collection. Johansson revealed that sustainable fabrics provide immense possibilities for creating fashion statements in a greener way. I like her work because her "green collection line" is environmental friendly, which is rarely, and precious in fashion design. Most of her clothes made in organic cotton. As for me, her work influences me because I always consider environmental problems as big issues. Therefore, I am going to use her big idea of “environment “as my idea in final project.Her way of putting recycling elements in the fashion which definetely arouse public’s attention on protecing environment . Here is the picture of one of  her artworks which is made of organic linen, and recycled polyester.

The last but never the least, I am deeply influence by a interesting environment fact . It shows the interesting statistics that trash we throw and plastic bottles we used. According to the website,
                  1.   Each year Americans alone throw away 18 billion disposable diapers.  In perspective, this is enough to extend from the earth to the moon and back 7 times.
            2.   In 2 weeks, Americans throw enough glass bottles and jars out to fill the New York Trade Center’s twin towers.
            3.   Americans go through on average 2.5 million plastic bottles per hour.
            4.   58% of U.S. newspapers are recycled.
            5.   500,000 trees could be saved from being cut down if every family in the United States recycled their newspaper.
            6.   Ford Motor Company indicates that 75% of every vehicle is recyclable.
            7.Dishwashers use about 11 gallons of water.  Hand washed dishes use up approximately 16 gallons.
These are environmental facts that drive me to pay more attention on the environment topic . Therefore, this is another resource of my final big idea.

1 comment:

  1. those facts are stunning! Even though I've known about significant green efforts, it's still hard to believe that these facts are true. Although it makes sense because it is what drives people to make our environment better, and I see why it would inspire your project. I'm interested to see what your animation will do for this concept, there are so many ideas!
