Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Final Artist Statement

 My big idea in the final project is environment protection. My purpose to focus on this project is that claiming the audiences to protect our environment and how to protect our environment as we only have one world and we are all part of this world. My project divides into 2 parts. One part of images shows how our environment destroyed around us now and continuing to be and it is really necessary to protect it from now, another part of images shows how to protect the world step by step. Here are my images I am going to use to show my claim. First, I would like to use an image of a building with a chimney, which release mach black smoke that even damages the sky. Besides, I would also like to show a picture with many cars on street that we can conclude that many harmful chemical components are produced everyday from the cars, which are considered as environmentally damage. Accordingly, I am showing a picture of many plastic bottles on the grounds, which are dirty and messed. And some plastic bags we used everyday to illustrate that everyone is destroying our world while using these plastic bags very often. Moreover, a picture of a woman who is cutting the plant, which is a way of destroying the nature, is showing. Last but never the least, I claim again the thesis of the final project by showing in words that “The reason why I pick this idea is that I am an environmental friendly person. As for me, everyone has responsibility of taking care of our global world, as all of us are a part of this world. Hence, this is really a serious and urgent issue in the 21st century. 
I am using different ways to show the two parts I mentioned before. For the first part that the bad sides of our environment now, I am using “fade out” style which means the same picture with a lower and lower opacity. However, when I describe the second part of my project, which is about how to protect our environment, I am using “strengthen” style, which means the same picture with a higher and higher opacity. In order for everyone start to protect our world around us, I recommend a recycling and environment protection organization in OSU that people can start protecting environment by joining in that organization.
In addition, it is interesting to find that there are some other environmental protections in our modern society .For example, there is certain way to protect environment even in terms of fashion. H&M’s head of design, Ann-Sofie Johansson confirmed that the brand is not limiting itself to organic cotton. The fashion brand has included organic linen, recycled polyester and Tencel among the materials used in its new eco-friendly collection. Johansson revealed that sustainable fabrics provide immense possibilities for creating fashion statements in a greener way. I like her work because her "green collection line" is environmental friendly, which is rarely and precious in fashion design. Most of her clothes made in organic cotton. As for me, her work influences me because I always consider environmental problems as big issues. Therefore, I am going to use her big idea of “environment “as my idea in final project.
Also, the resource comes from my final project is the recycling organization in OSU. On the first day came to OSU to have orientation, the recycling organization passed the handout to me when I walked on the oval. Hence, that recycling organization impressed me a lot as the projects and activities of this recycling organization is long-term rewarding and beneficial. It increases my attention on the importance of protecting environment.
All in all, the images of my animation come from the pictures I took before. Some of them are the pictures I took in China, whereas some of the pictures I took in OSU. As we can see, environmental problem is a global problem that bothers us all over the word. That is also why I think we should pay more attention on this big idea.

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