Saturday, February 26, 2011

Blog post for Quiz 4

The two movies i choose to combine together is SEX AND THE CITY and THE A- TEAM .

These two are actually different movies with different themes. SES AND THE CITY is the show focused on four white American women, three in their mid-thirties and one in her forties in New York. The quirky series had multiple continuing storylines  and tackled socially relevant issues.It specifically examined the lives of big-city professional women in the early 2000s and how changing roles and expectations for women affected the characters. However, THE A-TEAM is a movie talks about a group of of Iraq War veterans looks to clear their name with the U.S military, who suspect the four men of committing a crime for which they were framed. 

I combined these 2 movie posters because they have one common point is that both of them have 4 people. One is talking about women's life and one is talking about man's life. In my new movie poster, you can see i use "red" color as the main color to illustrate the romance between women and men. In my image, i use a red curtain in the middle seems like i am revealing the women's life and men's life to audiences through this movie poster. 
Here is my final combination of these 2 movie posters.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mid artist statement

My big idea of the midterm diptych is architecture, buildings and traveling. For the first artwork, i am depicting a combination of  global architecture. You can see Eiffel Tower from France, Big ben from London, famous skyscraper from New York, famous bridge from Italy. As for me, i like traveling so much. I always have a dream to travel all over the world . If i have a chance to travel those countries and cities, the most things i am interested in is visiting their different styles of buildings. 

For the second artwork, i am focusing on a particular country-Spain. All of the architectures come from Spain. As we can see, the style of Spanish buildings seem to be similar. In this case, we can see that buildings from each country have its unique and same style. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

blog #3 by Yingting Li

Ann-Sofie Johansson:

H&M’s head of design, Ann-Sofie Johansson confirmed that the brand is not limiting itself to organic cotton. The fashion brand has included organic linen, recycled polyester and Tencel among the materials used in its new eco-friendly collection. Johansson revealed that sustainable fabrics provide immense possibilities for creating fashion statements in a greener way.I like her work because her "green collection line" is environmental friendly which is rarely and precious in fashion design. Most of her clothes made in organic cotton . As for me, her work influences me because i always consider environmental problems as big issues . Therefore, i am going to use her big idea of " environmental friendly " as my idea in final project. Here i have some questions about her work. For example, does the color of clothes change after washing as they are made of organic cotton? will the clothes be very expensive as they are made of organic stuff? Anyway, i love her work and will expand her idea into my final project.

Scott Kelby:
Kelby is editor and publisher of Photoshop User and Layers magazines, president and co-founder of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals and is president of Kelby Media Group, an Oldsmar, Florida-based software training, education, and publishing firm. Kelby is a photographer, designer, and the award-winning author of more than 40 books, including Photoshop Down & Dirty Tricks, The Photoshop CS3 Book for Digital Photographers, The Photoshop Channels Book, Photoshop Classic Effects, The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Book for Digital Photographers, The iPod Book, The Digital Photography Book, and The iPhone Book.His work affect me because he use photoshop tool to make those models on magazine look so amazing. I love his work.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


synonyms for BUILDINGS: 1. cities 2. symbols 3. travel
related tags:
1. architecture
2. surroundings
3. cities with unique buildings

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Big idea of my brainstorm

My big idea is the brainstorming assignment is about " famous buildings over the world". I chose 30 images which shows the different buildings in the world. Some of them are buildings in Italy, some of them are in France, some of them are in London,and some of them are in New York City. As for me , i like traveling so much. My dream is to have a travel all over the world. When i have a journey in a new city, i would like to visit the city's famous buildings because buildings are always the symbol of the city. Also. some of the cities are famous for its buildings such as Eiffel Tower in France. Even though these 30 images can hardly show all of the famous buildings all over the world but it shows part of it which give me an great impression . 

When you look at this picture, you can see  feel like you have traveled to these famous cities with well-known buildings. This big idea is so impressive to me as it is a part of my journey dream .

The combined picture shows that the world is connected. Though different countries have different languages and different views to see, the common place is that they have beautiful building as symbol of the cities.